Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Day 14 (September 14, 2019) - On to Kanab

Salt Lake City to Kanab, UT

Today was a day to sleep in.  Our first task was to pick up my brother Lonnie at the airport.  His flight was scheduled to arrive at 10:08 AM and we were only 8 minutes away.  We woke up, had breakfast, and came back to the room to check his flight status.  It was 30 minutes early!  It wasn't a problem and we picked him up without issue.

The drive to Kanab was easy on a Saturday and we arrived earlier than expected.  Utah is another relatively desolate area when outside the greater Salt Lake area.  Exits have no services.  We finally settled on a Mexican chain restaurant, Costa Vida, attached to gas station, for lunch in Fillmore, UT.  It actually was pretty decent.

Since I drove the whole way, only a few photos were taken, mostly in the southern end where the scenery was better.

Marcia and John showed up about 2 hours after we did.  We unpacked and went to dinner.  The first place we tried was very popular and a 50-minute wait was needed.  We passed and walked down the street to Peekaboo Kitchen Wood-Fired Kitchen.  We were disappointed to learn it was vegan but were desperate with the hour so we had salads and pizza.

John rented an AirBnB in Kanab for the week.  It is a very nice and new 4 bedroom house on the south side of town.  It is very clean and we can tell that the owners are meticulous.

Our day ended with planning for tomorrow's activities.

Susan’s quote of the day:  "How are we on gas?"  This could be used every day.  Susan has been especially obsessed on keeping the tank full since friends told us they never knew where the next fill-up would be.  We haven't had a problem although there are certainly some stretches of highway without many services.  Today was one of those as exit after exit had signs saying "No Services".

The highlights - Meeting up with family.
The regrets - None.

Today's total miles - 335
Today's miles from start to destination - 335
Today's miles on side trips - 0
Today's miles driven by Paul - 335
Today's miles driven by Susan - 0
Today's hours in car - 6 1/2
Total Miles Hiked - 0

Cumulative total miles - 4,722
Cumulative miles from start to destination - 3,668
Cumulative miles on side trips - 1,054
Cumulative miles driven by Paul - 4,135
Cumulative miles driven by Susan - 587
Cumulative hours in car - 92 1/2
Cumulative Miles Hiked - 16.9

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