Monday, September 23, 2019

Day 18 (September 18, 2019)

North Rim of the Grand Canyon

We split up today.  John, Marcia, and Lonnie returned to Zion for the big challenges - Angel's Landing and The Narrows.  Susan and I went to the Grand Canyon.

Our drive through Northern Arizona was a test.  The terrain was high desert, meaning it was bereft of trees and anything else to break the winds that wanted to push our car all over the road.  Luckily, other traffic was as hard to find as people.  We did see tumbleweed, though.  I ran over 2 of them as they blew in front of me.

Those tumbleweeds made me change my mind about a statement I made in what seems weeks ago.  I stated that Wyoming reminded me of an old western movie.  This area in Northern Arizona nails that description for me.

We reached the park entrance after about a 90 minute drive.  Instead of heading for the main north rim stop at the Grand Canyon lodge, we turned toward Point Imperial, an overlook farther up-canyon.  We learned there that it was the highest viewing point of the entire canyon and the view was magnificent on a clear day.

We then traveled about 40 minutes down-canyon to Cape Royal, where the views were still exceptional, including a view of Angel's Window.  That peninsula was the site of the overlook and was a fun little walk.

Angel's Window

Our last stop would be the overlook at the Grand Canyon Lodge but not before a long drive to get there.  It was yet another drive that tested Susan's bravery as some sections skirted the edge of the mile-deep canyon.  They were brief but noticeable.

But we reached the lodge and ate our lunch there.  The view from the lodge area can be gained from several different vantage points.  Some were riskier than others and Susan chose not to challenge the worst.  The views themselves were disappointing as they did not allow any clear views down to the Colorado River.

I've come to the conclusion that, while the Grand Canyon is a spectacular sight to behold, it is beyond my appreciation.  It is so massive that it simply cannot be appreciated by 1, 2, or even 3 vantage points along its rim.  That's akin to viewing only the lips of the Mona Lisa.  It cannot compare to seeing it in its entirety.

I've also reached the conclusion that parks are best when they are interactive.  By that, I mean that allowing me to immerse myself in the park gives me greater value than just looking.  The Grand Canyon is a "just looking" park for most visitors.  Most parks that look down from the top are that way.  In contrast, parks that allow visitors to travel the valley are interactive.  Glacier, Zion, and to a lesser extent, Bryce. fit that model.  I have much greater appreciation for them than parks like the Grand Canyon, despite its awesomeness.

We arrived home first and cooked up some tacos. Much later, our roomies showed up and we learned that John had completed Angel's Landing while Marcia and Lonnie made it to Scout Lookout, an accomplishment in itself.  All three did the Narrows.  I'm happy for everyone involved, including Susan and me, who chose to accept our limitations.

Susan’s quote of the day:  “I'm going to freeze."  The vagaries of western weather and elevation tested Susan today.  The forecast called for a high of 78 degrees.  She dressed appropriately.  It was 57 when we arrived.  Worse, there was a wind 50+ MPH.  She froze.

The highlights - Grand Canyon.
The regrets - None.

Today's total miles - 211
Today's miles from start to destination - 0
Today's miles on side trips - 211
Today's miles driven by Paul - 211
Today's miles driven by Susan - 0
Today's hours in car - 5 1/2
Total Miles Hiked - 1.5

Cumulative total miles - 5,461
Cumulative miles from start to destination - 3,668
Cumulative miles on side trips - 1,793
Cumulative miles driven by Paul - 4,874
Cumulative miles driven by Susan - 587
Cumulative hours in car - 111
Cumulative Miles Hiked - 26.5

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